
Electric system for pushing manual wheelchairs

Attendants and caregivers who push manual wheelchairs face difficulties traveling long distances, climbing slopes, uneven terrain, and uneven surfaces. It is clear that the stress caused by pushing a wheelchair can lead to fatigue and injury. A device that helps push a wheelchair could reduce this stress and prevent stress-induced injuries.

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The primary goal of this project was to address this need and develop a product that meets institutional and personal use requirements while remaining a cost-effective solution. Research into existing products and original ideas led to preliminary designs. Device components such as locomotion, braking, steering, power source, accessory, and user interface were designed. After analysis of the preliminary designs, a final design was chosen.

The device locks around a crossbar under the wheelchair and uses a battery-powered motor with a drive wheel and a manually controlled front wheel to steer. Tests were conducted to evaluate how well the device met the design specifications. Static and dynamic stability, physical characteristics and safety were tested.

In addition to these tests, five volunteers operated the device to determine functionality and intuitiveness. The device was functional and worked well overall. Users found it easy and intuitive to operate, but there were some minor issues with steering and traversing uneven terrain. Recommendations are made for future design development to better meet the design specifications.

Wheelchairs are used for a variety of reasons. Wheelchairs are often used by people with limited mobility in their legs or who tire easily when walking. Spinal cord injury, spina bifida, early stages of multiple
sclerosis, arthritis, stroke, lower limb amputations and old age are all conditions that can result in the need for a wheelchair. These conditions often leave people with the inability to walk and may restrict them to using wheelchairs to get around.

The benefits of manual wheelchairs compared to other assisted mobility devices include lighter weight, easier transportation in cars or vans, access to more areas, lower cost, less maintenance, and easier maneuverability. Although manual wheelchairs offer many benefits, some wheelchair users do not have the upper body strength necessary to propel themselves.

Typically, these people use electric wheelchairs, but some occupants are unable to operate electric devices due to cognitive or physical disabilities and therefore require an assistant to push their wheelchair.

Coming next week: What is a powered device for pushing a manual wheelchair? Can I make my manual wheelchair electric? How do you push a manual wheelchair? Can electric wheelchairs be pushed manually? What makes a wheelchair easier to push? What electric wheelchair can be pushed? What is the best type of wheelchair to push? What is the best wheelchair to push? What are the three types of power wheelchairs?

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